
Not quite massage, not quite acupuncture, Shiatsu uses the application of pressure with palms, thumbs, fingers, elbows, forearms, knees & feet to specific energy pathways (meridians) & points (tsubo). In this way, Shiatsu brings fluidity into the body through stimulation of blood & Qi circulation. Qi is energy and can be understood as the life force supporting and enabling existence, impacting our sense of wellbeing in both mind and body. 

Shiatsu incorporates assisted stretches and joint mobilisation to release tension and support the musculoskeletal and nervous system, making it a deeply relaxing and replenishing complementary therapy.

Oriental medicine views health as being dependent on all parts of the body functioning together and living a balanced lifestyle. A disorder in one part of the body has effects throughout the entire structure. Because of this a Shiatsu practitioner treats the whole body. 

Who is Shiatsu for?

Shiatsu is an adaptable therapy, meaning that a range of people with various health states can benefit from what it has to offer.

Rebecca works to support:

  • Chronic health conditions

  • Physical injuries

  • Niggling pain or tension

  • Digestive complaints

  • Anxiety, insomnia & stress

  • Women's health

 Often through stress, illness, injury, diet or lifestyle habits and choices, circulation of Qi & blood becomes impeded or compromised perpetuating disease and creating pain & discomfort. The benefits of treatment are in the reduction or elimination of restrictions and the nourishment and mobilisation of Qi and blood to facilitate vitality and healing.
