Craniosacral therapy

Craniosacral Therapy acknowledges and works with the inter-relationships existing between the skeletal structure, the central nervous system and the cerebrospinal fluid. The cranium, spine and sacrum via their membranous attachments, create a direct link to the Central Nervous system. Membranes encapsulate the brain and spinal cord and attach to the inner surface of the cranium. This membranous structure then passes through the entire spine down to the sacrum. The membranes create a space in which Cerebrospinal Fluid can circulate around the brain and through the vertebral canal.

Dr William Garner Sutherland, an Osteopath and founder of the Craniosacral concept and Craniosacral Osteopathy, discovered what he called “The Primary Respiratory Mechanism” – a mechanism for self-healing.

This mechanism is present in every cell of the body as cellular breathing. This process initiates a motion and rhythm within the body which a trained practitioner can palpate, perceive, listen to and influence.

The cerebrospinal fluid is one of the significant structures that enables this life force to spread throughout the body creating a tide like motion throughout the body.


Craniosacral Therapy is performed on a massage table, fully clothed. The application of Craniosacral Therapy is with a very light and sensitive touch. During a treatment the therapist observes and listens to the natural disposition of the body’s structure. Techniques applied are very respectful of the body and the person in that nothing is ever imposed, rather an invitation is offered for change and a new balance to occur.

During a session the practitioner may work with various parts of your body, but in particular the cranium, sacrum and spine.   

Who is Craniosacral therapy for?

Craniosacral Therapy is deeply nourishing and calming for the Central Nervous System, aiding the entire body to regulate and restore vitality. For this reason, it can be of benefit to many health conditions, some of these include: 

  • Back, hip, neck and jaw pain

  • Migraines and headaches

  • Chronic fatigue

  • Vertigo

  • Anxiety

  • Emotional & mental health

  • Shock

  • Pregnancy

  • Improve fertility
